Site Three: Kozaki

Kozaki (Site Three

Who are we and what are our jobs?

Sofia—plants and salinity
Naima—nitrogen compounds
Loden—temperature, turbidity, and animals
Ben—D.O. and B.O.D
Jason—pH and bacteria

What is our site like?

Site Number Three is a distinctive and beautiful part of the Reservation. It focuses mainly on the pond, surrounded by a short wooden fence and a bridge, which connects over to the other side of the body of water. We have found many animals and plants including, frogs, turtles, black willow, and geese. The are two different pools of water: the inflow, which comes from under the wood bridge, and the outflow, connected to this bigger pool, which flows regularly into the next body of water. In any weather, or any season, our site remains a comfortable and compelling part of the reservation.